
Shrine’s lucky charms

Each kami’s Lucky charms

3 type : Wood type, Power stone type and Magatama stone type. . Please select one wish. The priests pray and send one by one.

About efficacy of power stones : Power Stones are said to have its own effects. Of course, each chemical composition is different, so each effect is different. However, we think that the compatibility between individual stones and persons who have them has a stronger influence on the appearance and strength of efficacy.

① Wood type

Price : 8 U.S.dollars / 8 Euro / 800 Yen apiece. The shrine name is described on the surface, and your wish is written on the back side.

② Natural Power stone type

Price: 12 U.S.dollars / 12 Euro / 1200 Yen apiece. The photo is an example of Power Stone type. Because it is a natural stone, the size and shape are not uniform.

Power stone type The picture is an example of Power stone type.

③ Magatama stone type (Now out of service)

The second emblem of Ten-yu Jinja is “Magatamas of polarity / duality”.

It means “If positive gets extreme, negative comes out,  if negative gets extreme, positive comes out.”.

Price 12 U.S.dollars / 12 Euro / 1200 Yen apiece.

Magatama stone type

④ Card type

Characters disappear from a certain angle

Price 8 U.S.dollars / 8 Euro / 800 Yen apiece.

Fan amulet (Now out of Service)

The first emblem of Ten-yu Jinja is “Fan of Hexagonal star in  the Rising sun with  tassels”.

In Japan, it is said that emblems of fans or hexagonal stars protect against evils.

So, a fan with this motif of the emblem will protect you against evils.

Wish list

Please select one wish apiece.

Speedy and good marriage

Public speaking

Good weather

Expand personal connections

Social success

Happy family circle

Money luck


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