Way to pray

Procedure for worship at a shrine or a home altar

Before Torii (gate of shrine)

Make a bow towards Kami before entering the torii.

※ There are non-Japanese who bow while holding hands, but they are wrong. In Japan, it is only at the times of praying(, requesting something to someone, and before/after meal)  to bow while holding hands.


We need perform ablutions before worshipping.

In shrine

  1.  Take a Ladle with the right hand
  2.  Ladle water
  3.  Water a little the left hand
  4.  Switch the ladle to the left hand
  5.  Water a little the right hand
  6.  Switch the ladle to the right hand
  7.  Hold your left hand lightly to make hand bowl
  8.  Pour water on the left hand bowl
  9.  Rinse your mouth with water in the left hand bowl
  10.  Water a little the left hand
  11.  Plumb the ladle to water a little the right hand
  12.  Put the ladle back

At home

Wash your hands and rinse your mouth

Procedure for worship

In front of Kami(Hall of worship of the shrine or your home altar)

  1. Make a bow towards Kami
  2. Intone 3 times with folded hands「祓い給へ、清め給へ、神ながら守り給へ、幸へ給へ」”Harai tamae kiyome tamae kamunagara mamori tamae sakiwae tamae” (Please purify me, sanctify me, protect me,  make me happy with the power of Kami)
  3. Make two bows deeply towards Kami
  4. Clap your hands in prayer 2 times
  5. Make a bow deeply towards Kami
  6. Thank Kami with great sincerity and profoundly grateful and pray your desire
  7. Make a bow towards Kami
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